Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Instruments used in Assessing Learning Environment

A List of instruments used in assessing Learning Environment

1. CES- Classroom Environment Scales (Moos and Trickett, 1987)
2. CLEI -Computer Classroom Environment Inventory
3. CLEI - Chemistry Laboratory Environment Invetory
4. CLCEI - Chinese Language Classroom Environment Inventory
5. CLES - Constructivist Learning Environment Survey(Taylor, Fraser & Fisher,1997)
6. CMLES - Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment
7. CUCEI- College and university Classroom Environment Inventory ( Fraser & Treagust, 1986)
8. ELCEQ- E-Learning Classroom Environment Questionaire
9. ICEQ - Individualised Classroom Environment Questionaire (Fraser, 1990)
10. ICEI - Individual Classroom Environment Inventory
11. ICEI - Internet-based Classroom Environment Inventory
12. LEI - Learning Environment Inventory ( Fraser, anderson and Walberg ,1982)
13. MCI - My Classroom Inventory (Fraser, Anderson & Walberg, 1982)
14. OLCEQ - Online Learning Classroom Environment Questionaire
15.QTI - Questionaire on Teacher Interaction ( Wubbels a & Levy, 1993)
16. SES - Self Efficacy Scale
17. SLEI - Science Laboratory Environment Inventory( Fraser, Giddings & McRobbie,1995) or Science Learning Environment Inventory
18. SLEQ - School Level Environment Questionaire
19. TOMRA - Test of Mathematics- Related Attitudes
20. WIHIMC- What is happening in my class ( Aldridge& Fraser,2000)

The list goes on and on.. new test can be generated.

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