Monday, December 3, 2007

Session 3 Assessing the Learning Environment 1

The session begins with terms associated with learning environment
The field of study is based on psycho-social.
Some terms- classroom environment, sch environment, culture, climate...etc

1. Understand the rationale for assessing the Learning Environment (WHY)
2. To ascertain what to assess in the Learning Environment (WHAT)
3. To use qualitative and quantitative approaches to Learning Environment(HOW)

What to assess in the Learning Environment
- seating arrangement
- noise level
- equipment
- ventilation
- space provision for movement and work
- resource provision

-working in groups
- behaviour
- group sizes & composition
- concentration

- Teachers' models
- Tr's instructions
- Trs'acceptance or rejection
- Types of activities

Dr Quek went through a model of the interelationships between Lewinian's approach and Murray's needs-press model.
What I have learnt is Learning Environment is dependent on various factors- behaviour, personality and person. In the process we need to assess the Learning Environment-we can do it through 2 types of tests-one as a detached observer-alpha press and the other as an involved observer-beta press.

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