Monday, December 3, 2007

Session three reflection

I feel that there are basically to dimensions to learning environments- the factors that affect a learner's learning and the approaches to assess learning environments.

We also examine the what the past researchers had done in the field of learning environments.
The two main contributions which I feel was most impactful to the study of LE is Moo's scheme and Murray's needs- press model. Of course other experts in the field also played an important role in affecting the development of the study of LE.
How is Moo's scheme associated with Murray's needs-press model?
Moo's scheme states that there are three areas that affect one's learning- relationship, personal development and system change and maintenance.
Murray's needs- press model mentions that everyone has needs and these needs works in congruence with the presses in life-family, society etc. I would think that personal development is similar to the needs mentioned by Murray and when the needs work in tandem/ conflict with the presses( relationship as proposed by Moo), good or poor relationship may be formed respectively. If all factors work in opposition with each other, then the learning environment will not be conducive.

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