Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My reflection on session 4

I love today's session as there are two hands-on activities.
We started the day learning about the school learning environment test. We talked about the reliability of the test instrument using the cronbach alpha reliability test. We also related the test to Moo's scheme. I have go home to reflect on Moo's scheme and be able to know it better. Later we did a case study of a school and realise that a school lacking in a conducive LE will cause teachers' morale to dip and also we must believe in educating a child holistically.
In the afternoon, we set ourselves to do a survey on "What is happening in this course". It was an application of what we have studied in the morning. We were then introduced to the SPSS.. wow what wonders it does.. We completed the survey and entered the results in a Excel file.. given by Dr Quek. We did more google doc sharing.. this was the fun part.. sounds like a market place when certain group's doc was edited online..we could hear shouts like ' who's changing my document?', followed by sniggles. Thought we could use the SPSS, however need the survey results of one more participant. We will do the SPSS tomorrow. Another exciting day tomorrow.

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