Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Session 4-Assessing the classroom learning environment 2

Today we are doing a case study.. horray some more hands-on
this case study is done in three SG schools.
recap.. Lewinian approach and Murray's needs press
Big pic .. now how LE is assessed qualitatively. then .. How learning environment is assessed using validated instruments

We will see how the researcher.. tease out the relevant information
Ask three questions..IDA learning sciences laboratory
Is there collaboration? What is knowledge forum-- for ideation process? Marsiling secondary.
Are students too bored with the printed words?- Are they going for more web-based resources?

1. Quantative studies conducted by Singapore schools
2. Qualitative studies
Action Research - John Elliot

Definition of school learning environment
Mainly three aspects-
school- vision, physica; aspects, school culture/ staff- shared vision/ students- attitude, emotional well being/ partnerships

Instrumentation: SLCEQ( School Level Environment Questionaire)
*student support-relationship (1,10,19,28)
*participatory decision making - system change
*affliation - relationship (2,11,20,29)
*innovation- system
*professional interest- (3,12,21,30)
*resource adequacy- system change
*achievement orientation-(4,13,22,31)
*work pressure - system
*staff freedom - system (5,14,23,32)

Reduce the number of items per group- 4 point likert scale
the questions in each catergory is organised in a cyclical fashion- to cut down boredom, to reduce inaccurracy in response.

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