Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What is a rich Learning Environment?

There is no ideal learning environment. As educators, we need to know about the learners profile by administering questionaires and see whether the actual one matches their preferred one. This is very crucial otherwise when the learners are uncomfortable with the environment, learning will not be optimised. We must also bear in mind the gender ratio in the classes that we teach.

This morning, the groups did the sharing of their case studies of the schools they did.
School A- Positive Learning Environment- a very autocratic school with little decision making by the trs. They emphasize on academic results and helped the students to become more disciplined in their studies and CCA. More holistic education
School B-Positive Learning Environment-recommendation-participatory decision making and credit informal sharing
School C-Negative Learning Environment-change of management, revise strategic plans, learn from best practices

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